ICP & ICP-MS Standards

We assay our ICP standards and ICP-MS standards by validated ICP and wet chemical procedures to obtain the certified value. All standards we make for ICP and ICP-MS are traceable specified NIST SRMs. The NIST-traceable density is shown on the Certificate of Analysis, along with 3-4 pages of additional data.

Unless otherwise specified, chromium is present in our products as chromium (III).

Single Element Standards

All Single-Element Standards manufactured by Inorganic Ventures use high-purity starting materials and are produced in accordance with our stringent Quality Assurance guidelines.

  • 10 μg/mL Standards

  • 100 μg/mL Standards

  • 1000 μg/mL Standards

  • 10,000 μg/mL Standards

  • Custom Standards

EPA Standards for ICP and ICP-MS

All EPA Standards manufactured by Inorganic Ventures use high-purity starting materials and are produced in accordance with our stringent Quality Assurance guidelines.

  • ILMO3.0

  • Method 200.8

  • Method 200.7

  • ILMO5.2 & ILMO5.3

  • ILMO4.0

  • Method 6020

  • Custom Standards

Multi-Element Standards for ICP and ICP-MS

All Multi-Element Standards manufactured by Inorganic Ventures use high-purity starting materials and are produced in accordance with our stringent Quality Assurance guidelines.

  • Calibration Standards (Groups)

  • Custom Standards

  • Tuning Solutions

  • Calibration Standards (Individuals)

  • USP Compliance Standards

  • Wavelength Calibration

Inorganic CRMs Made to Your Specs

Unless otherwise specified, chromium is present in our products as chromium (III).

  • Order Custom Standards by Catalog Number

  • Fax-Back Quotation Request Form

  • Custom Specialty Blends

    Anything not covered above (filter discs, QC analytes, and more)

  • Custom Instrument Setup Standards

    Multi-Element solutions for instrument optimization

  • Custom Multi-Element Standards

    Elements, speciations, isotopes at your concentrations

  • Custom Multi-Ion Standards

    Cations and anions at your concentrations

Custom standards are Inorganic Ventures’ specialty. Our catalog reveals only a fraction of the inorganic reference materials we can prepare. More than two thirds of our business is devoted entirely to preparing custom standards. As the leading manufacturer of custom inorganic standards, we’ve produced tens of thousands of unique blends for laboratories worldwide. It’s our area of expertise, and perhaps the most prominent way in which we flex to your specs.

+ Single Element Standards

Single Element Standards

All Single-Element Standards manufactured by Inorganic Ventures use high-purity starting materials and are produced in accordance with our stringent Quality Assurance guidelines.

  • 10 μg/mL Standards

  • 100 μg/mL Standards

  • 1000 μg/mL Standards

  • 10,000 μg/mL Standards

  • Custom Standards

+ EPA Standards

EPA Standards for ICP and ICP-MS

All EPA Standards manufactured by Inorganic Ventures use high-purity starting materials and are produced in accordance with our stringent Quality Assurance guidelines.

  • ILMO3.0

  • Method 200.8

  • Method 200.7

  • ILMO5.2 & ILMO5.3

  • ILMO4.0

  • Method 6020

  • Custom Standards

+ Multi-Element Standards

Multi-Element Standards for ICP and ICP-MS

All Multi-Element Standards manufactured by Inorganic Ventures use high-purity starting materials and are produced in accordance with our stringent Quality Assurance guidelines.

  • Calibration Standards (Groups)

  • Custom Standards

  • Tuning Solutions

  • Calibration Standards (Individuals)

  • USP Compliance Standards

  • Wavelength Calibration

+ Custom Standards

Inorganic CRMs Made to Your Specs

Unless otherwise specified, chromium is present in our products as chromium (III).

  • Order Custom Standards by Catalog Number

  • Fax-Back Quotation Request Form

  • Custom Specialty Blends

    Anything not covered above (filter discs, QC analytes, and more)

  • Custom Instrument Setup Standards

    Multi-Element solutions for instrument optimization

  • Custom Multi-Element Standards

    Elements, speciations, isotopes at your concentrations

  • Custom Multi-Ion Standards

    Cations and anions at your concentrations

Custom standards are Inorganic Ventures’ specialty. Our catalog reveals only a fraction of the inorganic reference materials we can prepare. More than two thirds of our business is devoted entirely to preparing custom standards. As the leading manufacturer of custom inorganic standards, we’ve produced tens of thousands of unique blends for laboratories worldwide. It’s our area of expertise, and perhaps the most prominent way in which we flex to your specs.

Standards you can trust

  • Traceable

    We use NIST Standard Reference Materials (SRM and lot number specified on the certificate) for calibration and direct comparison.

  • Precise

    We have detailed Error Budgets that define the errors used in determining the uncertainty, giving us a unique value for each lot of material.

  • Pure

    We use ICP and ICP-MS to check the purity of all CRMs. Protocols are prepared for all new starting materials. We perform purifications and chemical modifications as required to meet predefined quality specifications.

  • Accurate

    We use two independent validated assay methods that are performed with a reliable QC standard.

  • Stable & Compatible

    We’ve conducted stability studies on all standards, including blends. Compatibility and stability have been demonstrated and fully documented.

Want to know more?
